Week 8 Summary

Week 8 Summary


Hi, I am Vaibhav Malik, a Google Summer Of Code contributor and developer at Inkscape. In this blog, I've described the work that I've done during the eighth week of the Google Summer Of Code 2022. I'm currently working on the font collections feature. You can go through the code that I've written by visiting this link

August 1

After taking a week-long break, I started to continue from where I stopped after the sixth week. I planned to invest this week to fix various bugs and refactor the code. I began by looking into the most obvious bugs.

August 2

Some bugs were very tiresome. I spent the whole day to keep looking for related bugs and solutions on the internet because I was not aware of the cause of these bugs. After wasting a couple of hours, I asked about these bugs in the Inkscape developers channel. Martin Owens indicated that the reason is improper space allocation to the children's widget of the dialogue.
Most annoying bugs

August 3

The preview label stopped updating on changing the font family because of a change in the font list structure. I made necessary changes in the existing code and synced it with the latest changes.

August 4

There were no cell renderers to render the font styles in the updated font list. I changed the cell rendering functions to fix this issue. Today, I also refactored a large amount of code. In the end, I rebased my commits and squashed them into 4-5 large-sized commits.

August 5

Today, I fixed more issues related to cell height and cell renderers.

August 6

Today, I changed the Gtk::Grid into the Gtk::Paned widget. It helped to fix the space allocation problem. Getting rid of the space allocation problem was a high-priority task for me. Now that it was over, I relaxed for a while.

August 7

I spent this Sunday listening to reviews provided by the community members. A lot of new issues came to my notice. Some bugs were platform-specific, and some were because of poor time complexity. Screencast


So, this concludes week eight of Google Summer of Code. I did a lot of refactoring and bug fixes this week. I got to know about multiple cross-platform bugs that are there in my code. In the coming weeks, I'll try to fix all the bugs and start implementing the live preview of the fonts feature. Thanks for reading. Stay tuned for more updates.